Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Upcoming events this summer

June 16th:
Father's day classes!!
9:30am - 10am Tiny Tigers and their Dads, Dudes, and Daughters!
10am - 10:30am Juniors and their Dads, Dudes, and Daughters!
After that, Hyper Pro Training and Leadership Action Classes as normal.  This is also the last day to register for promotions before the "red zone."

June 23rd:
NO EVENTS - Regular Classes

June 30th:
Belt Promotions!
10am - White through Yellow Belts
11:30am - Camo through Red Belts
3:30 - 5:30pm Black Belts

July 4th:
Abridged schedule: 
We'll be closed at night but have 2 classes in the morning:
9:30am - 10am - All Tiny Tigers
10:15am - 11:00am - All Juniors
After that, go hang out with your family!

July 7th - 13th:
ATA Elkton will be closed for mandatory decompression, sorry :(

July 14th:
NO EVENTS - Regular Classes (see new schedule)

July 16th-20th:
HYPER Summer Camp!!  Kicks, Tricks, and Flips!  9am - 3pm with after care til 5:30 if needed.  Still $199 to register and there are still some spots left.  Check out HYPER TV for more info!

July 21st:
Outdoor Training Event - Hyper Park Session - FOR EVERYONE!!

July 28th:
Regional Tournament in Lincroft, NJ
Mandatory for all SWAT and Instructors - you should totally go!!

July 30th - August 3rd:
RANK UP Camp!  Forms, Sparring, Self Defense!  Try your best and go to the next belt at the end!  9am - 3pm with after care til 5:30 if needed.  Still $199 to register and there are still some spots left.

August 4th:
ATA Summer Picnic!! More details to come!!

August 11th:
NO EVENTS - Regular Classes

August 18th:
HYPER Olympics and ATA Inner School Tournament
All Morning/ Afternoon.  Register at the front desk to compete and see who wins the point contest!

August 25th:
Belt Promotions (same times as the June 30th one)

This just in:

September 15th:
Kid Power Child Safety Course:
Stranger Danger, Bully defense, and focusing on how to have a successful school year. Most importantly, dealing with one of the five dangers facing our kids today: Lack of Motivation! Times will be posted soon!

Class Planners and how to be a black belt

We've organized every single class from the time a student begins until the time that they earn their 4th degree black belt.  This includes Tiny Tiger students, ATAfit students, and Leadership Classes.  I feel that with this structure, the parents will be more involved in practicing with the kids and will even join the class themselves. 

In addition to that, I've asked a few parents what would help them practice at home better.  Most said, "If you come home with me and work out with my son."  Well, I'm not going to do that with everyone but what I'll start to do is creating a 1 or 2 minute training video on "what to practice tonight."  This will create a plan so that you can practice for 20-30 minutes, know the actual techniques to practice, and have a world champion plan.

The disconnect here is that many parents don't check their emails - those parents aren't even reading this.  Some have facebook and haven't "liked" ATA Elkton.  Some just don't pay attention.  To keep your child involved long-term, train with them!  Stay tuned to get all the training for next cycle!

Here are some of our Overviews and How each student can get their stripes next cycle:
Here's what the color belts are DOING
Here's how you can earn your STRIPES - remember stripe 1 is week 2, stripe 2 is week 4, strike 3 is week 6.  Share that goal with your son or daughter!
Here's what the First Degrees are DOING - We're starting from cycle 1
Here are some CHECKPOINTS, use these just like the color belt stripes(for 1st Degrees)
Here's what the Second Degrees are DOING - we're starting from cycle 4
Here are some CHECKPOINTS, use these just like the color belt stripes (for 2nd Degrees)
For third degrees, there will be a check points sheet and a list of midterms coming soon, for now, use the 2nd degree one but switch out 2nd degree form with 3rd degree form since the requirements will be the same, only at a higher skill level.

Upcoming Schedule Evolution!

After the next belt promotion cycle, our schedule is going to adjust a little.  There is good reason for it and I'm really excited to share it!  Here's a list of classes:
  • White-Yellow Belt Tigers - there are 4 classes to choose from so you can train on the weekends or during the week!  Choose 2 to get the best out of your training and Stick to it!
  • White-Yellow Belt Juniors - there are 4 classes to choose from so you can train on the weekends or during the week!  Choose 2 to get the best out of your training and Stick to it!
  • 1st Degree Black Belts - you've made it!  You're the top of the color belts.  Focus your goals on competition to unleash your winning potential!  Train on the two weekday classes and weekend class
  • 2nd and 3rd Degrees - you all train together because you are awesome at motivating each other!  Focus your goals on competition to unleash your winning potential!  Train on the two weekday classes and weekend class
  • Adult TKD - you have two weekday classes and then come to ATAfit on Friday night or Fit Club on Saturday morning in Elkton to get a full experience of Forms, Fitness, and Self Defense!
  • ATAfit - you barf you win, 'nuff said.
  • Camo-Red Tigers - a constantly fluctuating class that has a focused plan to achieve black belt from an early age - 4 different opportunities to train, choose 2 to get the bet out of your training and Stick to it!
  • Camo-Red Belts - 16 new yellow belts coming in and 5 Red Belts returning to class!  That's why we added an extra class on Saturdays!  If you come in and it's a packed house, try another day!  Choose 2 to get the bet out of your training and Stick to it!
  • RFLX Tactial - training for real-life situations where going to the ground is not an option.  Multiple attacker scenarios and control drills designed for Law Enforcement, Security, and Military, but anyone 18+ can take it!  Add this class on for $15 a class or $49 a month.
  • HYPER Pro Training - You've seen it on the TV in our pro shop and I've seen you watching with your jaw on the floor!  This stuff is sweeet and we have a structured plan to take a student from ZERO to HERO!!  Pro athlete mindset will get these students pumped and primed for their new favorite class!
  • Leadership Action Class (LAC) - We train leaders at ATA Elkton and this is how we do it.  Never been to it before?  Call or ask and we'll schedule a "first class."